Compliance plans

Increased Medicare fraud investigator scrutiny has made it even more critical for physicians and diagnostic testing providers to demonstrate a commitment to maintaining a culture of compliance and ethics that is fully embraced thought the practice.

 However, the prospect of developing a full-blown fraud and abuse compliance plan may seem overwhelming for many physicians but a compliance plan is really the only "insurance" you can put in place to help minimize legal and financial exposure from improper billing.  Consider starting small.  An annual coding and documentation audit with the help of a health care consultant is one of the best things you can do from a compliance standpoint and it need not be expensive.  Most importantly, however, when it comes to compliance, doing something is far better than doing nothing. 

 The keys to developing an effective and affordable basic compliance program are to: (1) put someone in charge of the process, (2) identify risk areas specific to the practice in question, (3) develop policies and procedures designed to address those risk areas, and (4) train employees about compliance.

 Sade Medicare Consulting has extensive experience in helping physician’s develop, implement and continually improve a high quality compliance plan that is based on the Office of Inspector General (OIG) model compliance plan and includes the following topics:


Medicare Applications Recovery of wronly denied Medicare claims Meicare chart review resolution Litigation support services Additional services


I have worked with Evan Sade for five years and routinely ask him to research complex questions regarding Medicare billing and rules and regulations. Evan gives me timely, accurate answers that help me run and grow my practice.
- Clifford J. Benezra, M.D.



Sade Medicare Consulting has mastered the Medicare registration process. The registration applications submitted to Medicare by Sade Medicare Consulting were processed by Florida Medicare without delay and we received our Medicare number 30 days sooner than I expected.
- Jeremy Waxman
Fall Solutions, Hallandale Beach, FL

Important Medicare Information for your Practice

Physician signatures on medical record
Appeals of claims decisions
Medicare Pre payment medical review.
Termination of prepayment Medical review.
Medicare Tracks Provider Inquiries

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